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Here to Help

I am a lending organization and I am looking to outsource underwriting, is that something that JT Consulting can help with?

Yes. We realize that many lending groups have more than average bridge/construction loans maturing in 2024 and are in need of re-evaluation before re-financing. We are happy to work with lending organizations and have more than $800MM of underwriting experience. As a lean team we are able to adapt to specific conditions that may need to be met for lending organizations to consider hiring outside help. Do not hesitate to reach out to inquire more!

I am interested in personally investing in real estate, does JT Consulting offer investment opportunities?

No. We do not have our own development projects nor are we raising money to do so. We do not offer any investment advice, we simply provide underwriting and market research services. Please reach out if you are interested in discussing other development services. 

I am a developer/owner/investor and I want to make sure that my specific project will make the returns I am hoping for. Can JT Consulting evaluate the returns for my project?

Yes. The following return metrics are included as a part of our detailed underwriting:

  • Levered Internal Rate of Return

  • Unlevered Internal Rate of Return

  • Cash Yield

  • Equity Multiple

My broker told me that a project I'm considering would be a great deal, but I want a second opinion. Will JT Consulting truly give an unbiased report on my project?

Yes. We do not receive any type of kickback or bonus based on your investment decisions, meaning our services are completely unbiased and impartial. We typically charge our services as a flat rate fee, so you know exactly what to expect.

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